405nm 300mW

405nm 300mW

Price on request

405nm 300mW
405nm 300mW
405nm 300mW
405nm 300mW
405nm 300mW
405nm 300mW
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 405nm 300mW
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 405nm 300mW
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 405nm 300mW
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 405nm 300mW
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, 405nm 300mW


Module series:
Model Nr.:
Optical power: 300 mW
Laser class according to IEC 60825-1 standard:
Center wavelength: 405 nm
Center wavelength tolerance: ± 5 nm
Spectral width:
< 2 nm
Center wavelength thermal drift:
0.8 nm per 10 °C
Beam size (1/e2):

4 mm

Beam divergence (half angle): 
0.2 mrad
Linear polarization:
Polarization ratio:
Polarization azimuth tolerance:
± 5 degree
Mode structure:
M2 (horizontal/vertical):
~ 1.2
Power stability (over 1 hour, CW operation, after warm-up and ±3°C):
< 0.5 %
Pointing stability (over 1 hour, CW operation, after warm-up and ±3°C):
< ±100 µrad
Output window beam centering:
< ±1 mm
Beam perpendicularity:
< ±1 degree
Warm-up time:
< 5 minute
Laser power control modes:
Analog, TTL, USB, potentiometer
Analog input signal:
0 - 5V (0.5 - 4.5 V with TCCO* on)
TTL input signal:

0 - 0.8 V: low

2 - 5 V: high

Bandwidth (analog input, 3 dB cut-off frequency):
240 kHz (252 kHz with TCCO* off)
Rise time (10% - 90%):
700 - 900 ns (signal dependent)
Fall time (90% - 10%):
1 - 2 µs (signal dependent)
Phase shift: 
0.6 - 4 µs (signal dependent)
Analog/TTL input impedance:
5 kΩ
Conection cable (laser head to control box):
HDMI 1.4 or higher, max. length 1m
Communication with PC:
USB-C (control box port only)
USB interface protocol 


Shorted: emission enabled (3.3V, 10 kΩ)

Opened: emission disabled

Operating base plate temperature range:
< 50 °C
Operating ambient temperature range: 
5 - 40 °C (heat sink dependent)
Storage temperature range:
(-10) - 80°C
Ingress protection (laser head only):
Power consumption:

typ. 20W

max. 50W

Input voltage (Type PD): min. 20V
Input voltage connector type:
USB-C (laser head port only)
Laser head dimensions (LxWxH):
70(84) x 120 x 46 mm
Laser head weight: 
0.7 kg
Control box dimensions (LxWxH):
53 x 29 x 36 mm (without connectors)
Control box weight:
40 g
Expected lifetime:
> 10 000 hours



To make the most of your modules, see below for additional options.
