Laser Chandelier by Kvant

The chandelier was designed in cooperation of Point of support and Plant PRATO companies and developed and manufactured by Kvant Lasers for our Russian distributor Laser New Tec.
Laser solution
In order to yield a maximum visual effect, we used eight units of Clubmax 6000 FB4 laser display system, each outputting 6 Watts of optical power. Every system was customised to fulfil required output beam specification. Each laser projector was manufactured without a scanning system and fitted with additional beam expander and beam homogeniser optical elements for perfectly unified beams.
Over 500 lengths of optical fibre were connected to the optical homogeniser via a special adapter.
The optical fibre emits a portion of laser light along its length - that is why the light is visible along the whole length of each fibre segment - and the rest of the light in this case was diffused in the crystal at the end of each fibre.
Total hight of the chandelier is 25 meters and more than 10 kilometres of optical fibre was used to create it.

Authors of the project:
Mezentsev Alexander (Point of support)
Bogolyubov Albert (Plant PRATO)
Technical solution:
Miroslav Kazakov (Laser New Tec)
Kvant Lasers s.r.o.